Two hands holding a black heart-shaped cutout.

Our Organization

The primary mandate of the Crisis Team is to support individuals experiencing trauma and tragedy in times of crisis.

The Crisis Team allows for immediate action to occur by providing logistical support and planning for person(s) in need.

Along with this mandate, the organization identifies gaps in crisis intervention and prevention services, and implements strategies to fill these gaps to increase community resiliency, thereby reducing harm.

Learn more about The Crisis Team Society

Yellow firefighter helmet with face shield on rocky surface by a lake, with snow-capped mountains and pine trees in the background.


Your donation support individuals experiencing trauma and tragedy in times of crisis.

2025 Firefighter Calendar

This year, with support from the Jasper Volunteer Fire Brigade, The Crisis Team Society is proud to bring you the 2025 Fundraising Firefighter Calendar!

Collage of nature photos with text 'Make a Difference, Donate Today' on a yellow background. Images include mountains, a forest with bears, and a river landscape.